
Results 89 comments of SettingDust

啊 你可以做成可调的padding 参考一下MD官网按钮 我感觉padding: 8px 12px这样应该好一些


竟然不是直接画的!我这边微信底栏不消失 FAB不显示 不太懂怎么了 OPPO Color3.0 安卓6.0


a 我也是微信6.6.7PLAY版

No way apart from for 1 to X. And it's what I'm using ``` val runeStone = .definition; for meta in 1 to 8 { .add(runeStone.makeStack(meta)); } val runeStonePedestal =...

> > > And that works? If so, then it must be because of meta 0 being missing. Yes. It's ok.

> **What are you trying to do?** > I'm requesting silent chest opening, i'm getting quite frustrated when i'm trying to catch cheaters when i am vanished, and this makes...

> Using *Impl classes isn't supported. Unless you are using classes from the api package, your code could break at anytime. I can create the impl with the same package... works well in 1.16, 1.17. Need the approach for 1.18.