Exact error: The CloudFormation template is invalid: Template error: instance of Fn::GetAtt references undefined resource DefaultRoleForSQSAccess
It might be due to wrongly used curly brackets in new line. in functions, if's, for's and so on. ``` javascript function name() { ``` not ``` javascript function name()...
I know i had several problems with it, also with different browsers - from that time, i always use proper {} in this language so no errors of this kind...
I made some changes, i will publish them soon - but i changed the namespace from JiraRestApi to Jira...
**Create according to heidi** ``` CREATE TABLE "files" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 'nextval(''files_id_seq''::regclass)', "isDeleted" BOOLEAN NULL DEFAULT 'false', "createdAt" TIMESTAMPTZ NULL DEFAULT NULL, "updatedAt" TIMESTAMPTZ NULL DEFAULT NULL,...
Do you need any help with this issue? Anything i can help you with?
Yes (for me its stupid thought) but there are some nice things about it too. 1. Posgtres allows to create type with validation, enums etc 2. It is named in...
Here is a link for documentation you can see that most common types created by users are - enum[s] and range[s].
try to use ".[dev]" instead