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Line number error [SPOILER]
I'm getting syntax errors, but the error doesn't make sense for the given line number, and I'm pretty sure it is not a syntax error.
Here is a similar error:
In fact, I'm pretty sure this solution is valid Javascript. Not sure why it is generating so many parse errors. Also, the parse errors seem inconsistent. Also, I did this solution to run once, but it appears to crash on me.move(). (difficult to debug though)
function Point(x,y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.adj = function(dir)
case 'left': return new Point(this.x-1, this.y);
case 'right': return new Point(this.x+1, this.y);
case 'up': return new Point(this.x, this.y-1);
case 'down': return new Point(this.x, this.y+1);
//get an integer that will uniquely represent this point
this.hash = function()
return this.x + this.y*map.getWidth();
function reverseDir(dir)
case 'left': return 'right';
case 'right': return 'left';
case 'up': return 'down';
case 'down': return 'up';
dirs = ['right', 'down', 'left', 'up'];
//the current best cost to get to this tile, and the direction we moved to get to it
function Tile(x,y,cost,fromDir)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.cost = cost;
this.fromDir = fromDir;
this.getPoint = function()
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
this.isAtPoint = function(point)
return this.x === point.x && this.y === point.y;
this.hash = function()
return this.x + this.y*map.getWidth();
var startTile = new Tile(1,1,0,'none');
var destPoint = new Point(map.getWidth() - 2, 8);
tiles = {};
tiles[startTile.hash()] = startTile;
function dfs(tile, dest)
if(tile.hash() === dest.hash()) return;
var crntCost = tile.cost;
//update adjacent tiles as applicable and dfs on them
for(var dirNum = 0; dirNum < dirs.length; ++dirNum)
var adjPoint = tile.getPoint().adj(dirs[dirNum]);
var adjHash = adjPoint.hash();
//if the tile is visitable and within map range
//if the tile has not already been visited or the cost is lower
var occupiable = map.getObjectTypeAt(adjPoint.x, adjPoint.y) !== 'block';
var withinMapBounds = adjPoint.x >= 0 &&
adjPoint.x < map.getWidth() &&
adjPoint.y >= 0 &&
adjPoint.y < map.getHeight();
var unvisitedOrBetter = !(adjHash in tiles) || tiles[adjHash].cost > crntCost + 1;
if( occupiable && withinMapBounds && unvisitedOrBetter)
tiles[adjHash] = new Tile(adjPoint.x, adjPoint.y, crntCost+1, dirs[dirNum]);
dfs(tiles[adjHash], dest);
//prepare an array of move instructions (move direction string). move backward from destination until we get to start.
//the node adjacent to the start node, cost 1, will represent the first move instruction. thus we know the dest nodes move instruction will be move instruction cost-1 and count down from there
function buildMoveList(destPoint)
var crntTile = tiles[destPoint.hash()];
var movelist = [];
for(var inst = crntTile.cost -1; inst >= 0; --inst)
movelist[inst] = crntTile.fromDir;
//move backwards
crntTile = tiles[crntTile.getPoint.adj(reverseDir(crntTile.fromDir)).hash()];
return movelist;
//on first move:
//run DFS
//build move list
if(typeof moveInstList === 'undefined')
dfs(startTile, destPoint);
moveInstList = buildMoveList(destPoint);
nextMoveInst = 0;
//iterate through move list
//then move down
if(nextMoveInst < moveInstList.length)
I'm taking a look at this now, but it may take some time to get to the bottom of this.
It might be due to wrongly used curly brackets in new line. in functions, if's, for's and so on.
function name() {
function name()
As this can make errors with silent semicolons (or however its called);
From my understanding, Automatic Semicolon Insertion shouldn't occur during function
, if
, or for
for (true) {
should evaluate the same as
for (true)
If he was doing this with do-while
, continue
, break
, return
, or throw
statements, your case would be more valid.
Certain ECMAScript statements (empty statement, variable statement, expression statement, do-while statement, continue statement, break statement, return statement, and throw statement) must be terminated with semicolons. Such semicolons may always appear explicitly in the source text. For convenience, however, such semicolons may be omitted from the source text in certain situations. These situations are described by saying that semicolons are automatically inserted into the source code token stream in those situations.
I know i had several problems with it, also with different browsers - from that time, i always use proper {} in this language so no errors of this kind would ever happend to me. And i also think, that if you can fix something, you should - then error you had can (at least) point to its proper place not some random ones.
Placing the brace on a new line is called Allman Style and is a valid style of indenting as long as you are consistent and avoid ASI issues like I mentioned above.
Personally, I prefer OTBS but using Allman style should not create a syntax error.
More info on the "holy war" here.
Your code is valid JavaScript, but it doesn't adhere to Untrusted's 80-character-per-line limit, so some lines get split up when you paste it into the game. This seems to be the cause of most of your problems.
For example, the [Line 62] error is actually caused by invalid syntax on line 67:
The line numbers in the errors are sometimes wrong, which is a problem. However, I'm not sure if there's a good way to fix this, because we're currently getting these line numbers in an extremely fragile way (since JavaScript itself does not provide line numbers for exceptions that occur when you eval
a multi-line string).