
Results 34 comments of Bitcollage

@spaceone you are right, many thanks! I will fix the XSS shortly. This is a freetime project. I will check it out after work.

@spaceone There are two possible approaches to solve the XSS for: 1.) The css compiler can encode it for us so that we can save a lot of...

If you develop with app-decorators you will never use the internal libs (queryString.js, stylesheet.js, etc) directly. There is no reason for it. Your point is correct! In most of the...

We can use babel-preset env when babel is out of beta !

@leesper your tests are very very good. It was just a question about the example usages. I will use the tests as documentation. Thank you for the project :)

@mariothedev does your suggestion any negative impact to the usage of msw?

I can confim @kleinfreund ! I still get "MaxListenersExceededWarning" (`Chrome Browser`) although as you (@kettanaito) recommended ( to fully re-install (delete msw -> add [email protected], also tried `rm -rf node_modules`)....

@kleinfreund I see, you are right! > I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of logged “[MSW]” messages due to this change (implemented in Entries like “[MSW] 12:23:53 GET...

maybe this sql parser is also interesting: