
Results 33 issues of Alex

Since we know all of the tag types ahead of time, there's no reason we couldn't preserve the format-specific items (or the entire tag itself) in an immutable way inside...


The repo has always had multiple crates, there's really no reason not to convert to a workspace. This would also be really nice when combined with #311.

help wanted

The new [lints section]( in 1.74 makes it possible to move all the lints out of

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good first issue

This adds two new traits, `Truncate` and `Length`, which are two operations we needed that required the use of `File`. With these two traits, combined with `std::io::Read`, `std::io::Write` and `std::io::Seek`,...

Similar to `Picture`, once chapters are supported in ID3v2 (#189), EBML, Vorbis Comments, and MP4, it may be worth creating a generic representation of chapters that can be converted to...


The major brand is kept in `Mp4File` for some reason. The field, along with its getter, should be moved to `Mp4Properties`.

good first issue

## Native frames - [ ] [AENC]( Audio encryption - [X] [APIC]( Attached picture - [ ] [ASPI]( Audio seek point index - [X] [COMM]( Comments - [ ] [COMR](

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good first issue

It's a common issue that padding will often stick around between tag edits, as it is typically not properly accounted for in the tag header size. We currently just get...


### Summary We could parse timestamps in the following frames: TDEN, TDOR, TDRC, TDRL, TDTG. Instead of `FrameValue::Text`, they would now use `FrameValue::Timestamp`. The structure is described in the [ID3v2.4...

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