Serge Shkurko

Results 13 issues of Serge Shkurko


bemto breaks down with webpack via install npm or yarn

When i run locally `rsync -avzr --delete --exclude={'docker/data','docker/logs','.env','config.yaml','vendor','.git'} ./ ...` rsync normally push changes at remote server ![image]( When run from github action same command (config attached) i see only...

Added text editing Resolve #3

TODO: - [x] Change modules import syntax from commonjs to es6 - [x] Add set project name (to package.json) answer - [ ] Update packages - [x] Remove Jade -...

Magnification is automatically set, although it is not necessary Example: Code: ```dart Navigator.of(context).push( MaterialPageRoute( builder: (_) => Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(), body: Crop.file( image, scale: 1, key: _cropKey, aspectRatio: 21 /...


## Feature request ### Please describe your feature request - [x] **I have created my request on the Product Board before I submitted this issue** - [x] **I have looked...

issue: enhancement
source: plugin:users-permissions

Added availability for breakpoints customization ```dart bootstrapGridParameters( breakpoints: const BootstrapGridBreakpoints( xs: 600, sm: 905, md: 1240, lg: 1440, ), ); ```

## I found resolution for fix macos build _Same this:_ `Error (Xcode): Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-Release-development-input-files.xcfilelist'` ## Thoughts: macos catch error when build because...