
Results 7 comments of Sercurio

Same problem here. I've got the same configuration on two projects. Upload works on one of them but no on the other. platform.ini ``` [platformio] default_envs = Upload_UART ; Default...

``` Processing Upload_UART (upload_protocol: arduino; board_upload.speed: 115200; lib_deps: adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library@^1.10.15, adafruit/Adafruit SSD1306@^2.5.3; platform: atmelavr; framework: arduino; board: ATmega1284P; board_build.f_cpu: 16000000L; board_build.variant: standard; build_unflags: -flto; build_flags: ; monitor_port: None; monitor_speed:...

I tried what you say, but it's not working, example here : I'm using the SSG Astro by the way. index.astro ``` --- import "terminal.css"; --- :root { --global-font-size: 15px;...

I think there is something with the while(!Serial){} of the Xiao