The removal of Aleona's Tales data from Wargus 3.x.x also resulted in breaking the For the Motherland game mode, because it relies on special units and commands defined in scripts...
Restore scripts in cannoo directory with extra units, spells, upgrades and buttons for the For the Motherland game mode, and their loading on startup. For the Motherland mode does not...
It seems that the random map generation algorithm has a predilection of placing two or more similar objects (building sites, ore mines) next to each other, in a way they'd...
I've been playing around with an online deep learning/neural network tool called [SpecVGAN](, and ran some low-quality _Aleona's Tales_ sound effects through it, with arguably decent results. Since _Wyrmsun_ uses...
As I play more, I'm increasingly convinced that units could level up a bit sooner. I played several skirmish matches for testing v5.3.4, first against Normal AI, then against Hard...
The First Dwarves now consistently (I tried several times) creates the underground part of the map with the kobolds simply as a part of the overworld, adjacent to the player's...
I noticed that the skirmish AI player does not build and use a mine on the North-South Conflict map, which was imported from Wargus and, like some other Wargus maps,...
I've been noticing this for a while since probably v4.x.x. In scenarios or skirmish maps, music from the Battle of Wesnoth plays fine, but the new music (which I gather...
Noticed that the goblin Mason's Shop looks odd when under construction, and checking the sprite sheet, this seems like the working frame, not the under construction one: 
Found another bug, easily reproduced: - start a scenario game, have one or more of your heroes hurt (e.g. by friendly attack) - save the game, then load it All...