in a fresh installation, with default setting we get: _Deprecated: The "timeout" configuration is deprecated and will be removed with the next major update. Set the "timeout" configuration to false...
set config default timeout to false. to prevent deprecation message
... because Redisearch is not able to handle this (this way) You can not retrieve these movies by there title: ```> FT.SEARCH idx:movie "x-men" 1) (integer) 0> FT.SEARCH...
breaks GetDepotAufstellung was already marked as weak in MT535.php: ``` $holding->setDate($this->getDate($r[1])); // TODO The time code looks wrong. if ($iwn[1] == 'C') { preg_match('/^.{14}(.{6})/sm', $iwn[2], $r); $holding->setTime($r[1]); } else {...