Rian Pratama

Results 7 issues of Rian Pratama

Hallo everyone, i'm trying in esp32 is work. Then i'm trying in esp8266-12 not success. setCACert is nothing WiFIClientSecure, then i'm using setTrustAnchors(&cert); not work. Soft WDT reset I'm using...

` list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, content: '** $namaToko **', weight: 1, align: LineText.ALIGN_CENTER, linefeed: 1)); ` This code contains line spacing, please add features to set line spacing and font size

Assalamu'alaykum Mas Saya run code di ESP32 loop terus hingga ratusan packet, kalau adafruit hanya 2307 karakter. Bagaimana kode exl mas kok cuma 7 ya?

Mas, request range ayat.


I get an error when I use API 34 **Version:** awesome_notifications: ^0.9.3+1 **build.gradle** ` android { namespace "com...." compileSdk 34 ndkVersion '26.1.10909125' compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_18 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_18 } kotlinOptions...

in triage

### Space between rows not working I need nothing space between rows. I was set spaceBetweenRows = 1, burt not work. My code: ` List bytes = []; final generator...

Code **PersistentBottomNavBarItem** location on MainPage.dart How To Disabled Route On PersistentBottomNavBarItem, but i'm only use All Route in Main.dart