@josh-unwin , yes, is not very helpfull, they need to change a little bit the documentation, i have to install another package for node `"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.1",` and i have this...
@josh-unwin did it work ??
@telans Steering works replacing both dlls , i just update the dxvk to 1.0.2 and the game hagns maybe 10 minutes after playing , im using latests Nvidia drivers.
> I'll try dxvk 1.0 and see if it still crashes I tested using 1.0.3 and do not crashes , played for at least 1 hour. Did you have the...
> @Sebastiangperez Where do you put the files, in the windows32 and winwow64 dirs in ../steamapps/compatdata/gameid/pfx/drive_c/windows/{system32,syswow64}/, or in ../steamapps/common/Proton 4.2/dist/share/default_pfx/drive_c/windows/{system32,syswow64}/ dirs? > > Thanks! I use Wine Stand alone and...
> @Sebastiangperez I still crashed, but I think it was a prefix issue unrelated as it happened almost instantly. > My crash is during the game , suddenly stopped and...
I have the same issue , when i perform a login , redirects to my localdomain with the page expired message.
I tried that but still doing the same stuff, maybe i will test it in another computer, sometimes do not happen at all for weeks but sometimes it's constantly, like...