
Results 9 issues of SeanChense

For example, we can change `covertToNumber` to `est_ covertToNumber` for avoiding strange bug when using many libs we don't understand much.

When I install JDK 7,gradle tells me `Error:(2, 0) Cause: org/lucasr/probe/ProbePlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0`

``` ENNoteSearch *search = [ENNoteSearch noteSearchWithSearchString:@"reminderOrder:*"]; [sesion findNotesWithSearch:search inNotebook:nil orScope:ENSessionSearchScopeAll sortOrder:ENSessionSortOrderNormal maxResults:100 completion:^(NSArray *findNotesResults, NSError *findNotesError) { for (ENSessionFindNotesResult* result in findNotesResults) { [sesion downloadNote:result.noteRef progress:^(CGFloat progress) { NSLog(@"downloading notes...

First thank you for your working at this to give us so amazing thing. But I got a problem when I use it. I wanna use this to get amounts...

![]( ![]( 看到这篇博客,不知道为啥搜索 “IO 多路复用 RunLoop” 就搜索到这篇文章了。

How can we detect all internal methods called such as UIView ?