Scott Santucci

Results 52 issues of Scott Santucci

I recently was experimenting with the transient buffer setting and discovered it can show the isearch keys, (which is really cool!); however, I discovered it clobbers the echo area for...

I have set `which-key-sort-order` to `which-key-local-then-key-order`, but if I go into a buffer with local keymaps (e.g. `M-x customize-option` and, once an option is selected, `C-c` includes `C-c C-c ->...

Is it possible to configure/advise/something Emacs to make which-key display the current key sequence entered while I `describe-key` (`C-h k`, bonus points if it still works when I've remapped that...

It would be neat to be able set the beacon color to automatically use whatever the current color of the cursor is, so that it appears to fade into the...

Horizontal scrolling isn't as big a deal, but sometimes would still be helpful.

When using Beacon 1.3.4 or 20190104.1931 on Android under Termux (Emacs 26.3), with the default coloring (no Emacs theme, no terminal customization), the background is black but the beacon line...

The GADT version of the Haskell backend does not appear to respect `--text-token` or `--functor`; I don't know GADTs well enough to know if the functor representation is possible (though...


This came up in an old issue I was looking at, concerning Cabal integration. (By the way, Stack integration may or may not work automatically if Cabal integration is added....

The `--functor` CLI option adds position information to the generated AST. It seems to do so except for `token`s. The language `position token` makes tokens include position info. Is there...

I am having trouble figuring out how I can write a `token` like the built-in `String` but with different quotation marks and, in my Abs.hs result, only get the content...
