+1. But also tip for anyone using Spring Native for this. Add a @ResourceHint(patterns = "org/flywaydb/core/internal/version.txt") to your SpringApplication. The version.txt is what is causing the nullpointer. I guess graalvm...
This is basically an error in the core context which will be updated. So no need to catch those things from our side. At the moment it's a known bug...
Hi, no there is none yet. /info was more meant for management infos. But we can for sure look into adding this. But i have so ahead it is a...
Hi, yes this is correct. However this is a function which is needed for certain use cases. I've to check if this should be an option.
Hi after some further reading and some clarification questions. This is correct behaviour as is. The spec says that if any member of the attribute changes it's considered changed. This...
Reopen to indicate further clarification process.
hi, yes the user needs to be owner of the database ngb and needs to be able to create new databases for tenants (CREATEDB role). In the current setups we...
Hi, i think i got the problem. We are using also the spring cloud kafka binders which are using another config option. We haven't really yet played with this scenarios...
Hi, yes this is correct we removed them in favor of more general to String serialization because of the different message buses we are supporting now. These two don't exist...