Results 7 issues of Ola [AHLNET]

## Description Returns Mark, Set and Go stake snapshots for the selected pool, useful for leaderlog calculation ## Where should the reviewer start? ## Motivation and context ## Which issue...

Adding this issue as a reminder for the future to include multi-sig support in CNTools


If pool cold vkey cbor-hex is used in `funds >> delegate` save it to be able to delegate using just a name and for display in wallet listing. A json...


While implementing new ledgerjs 5.1.0 I noticed that it requires knowing the type of outputs, if its pre babbage or not, ie array vs map. Could we add a field...

Adds changes according to latest CIP-30 specification. *For use with Eternl 1.11.x ->*

When creating the json request to pass along to Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets we use CSL to deserialize the transaction cbor. For reference scripts in outputs, we noticed that...

## Description Adds a couple of new larger features within CNTools: - Multisig wallet support through advanced menu item. - Custom mnemonic derivation path on mnemonic/hardware import and creation of...