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Modular spatio-temporal models for epidemic and pandemic simulations
The scheme for interpolating real data is the same for the IDE and the LCT model. Maybe we can define a central function that can be used by both initialization...
### Motivation / Current Behaviour Introduction of flows in issue #511 and the added usage of templates to a lot of classes in issue #894 changed the behavior of the...
# Changes and Information Please **briefly list the changes** (main added features, changed items, or corrected bugs) made: - Save data about the commuters during mobility - Any Indices (or...
### Motivation / Current Behaviour We did not consistently use ScalarType for some time, but now we added a FP ("floating point") template parameter to several classes. Instead of fixing...
### Motivation / Current Behaviour We assign fixed locations such as Home, School, Work to all agents, which is there go-to location when they move to the respective location type....
In #894, dynamic optimization through automatic differentiation was introduced for a first particular ODE-based model. However, dynamic optimization needed to be deactivated in the windows CI. This is due to...
# Changes and Information Please **briefly list the changes** (main added features, changed items, or corrected bugs) made: - - - If need be, add additional information and what the...
### Bug description When calling get_default() from AntigenTest or PCRTest, you get the TestParameters number from get_default() of GenericTest. ### Version Any ### To reproduce 1. compile with cmake --build...
### Bug description Compile and run the current test suit on an M1 Machine produce an error on ModelTestOdeSeir.compareWithPreviousRun. ### Version M1 ### To reproduce 1. Compile the code with...
# Changes and Information Please **briefly list the changes** (main added features, changed items, or corrected bugs) made: - Added multiplicative tolerance to Flow Clamping to avoid negative compartments (which...