Results 9 comments of Erich Schwarz

The bugfixes in this issue solved compilation failures that were driving me to tears. Thanks to @mathog for this! AUGUSTUS developers: if you have the opportunity, please consider streamlining the...

It may be helpful to describe the setup and line-commands that I used to do BRAKER2, so here they are: ``` # Set up and get into workspace: mkdir $HOME/rhabditella/prelim_preds_2020.07/braker2/rna_pred_01...

One other comment: Doing everything as before, but with only **one** CPU instead of eight CPUs (` --cores 1` instead of ` --cores 8`), I was able to get BRAKER2...

Hi @tomasbruna, Thank you for updating me on the bugfixes! I will be using BRAKER2 again in the near future, which should give me a convenient opportunity to see if...

So, I've never put a *semicolon* in a scaffold name in my entire life. I have, however, often put in underscores. Underscores are considered generally acceptable in UNIX-type names as...

I did try that (to be more precise, I tried adding the following commands before running "./utils/"): CPATH="/usr/include/hdf5/serial" ; # $CPATH is empty by default on this system export CPATH...

Commenting out DEXTRACTOR certainly does eliminate that particular error. Assuming that it really is used for absolutely nothing but getting input reads from *.h5 before starting to use HINGE, then...

I've had a similar-sounding problem, about which I'll post in detail separately.

I encountered similar problems with compiling SuperReads_RNA. I solved them by not working with the very latest github code, but instead with the latest stable release of StringTie2. When I...