Greg Schwartz
Greg Schwartz
Why has this issue been pushed back to release 4.0? I'm assuming that will be a long way in the future. It's not really a functional SQL wrapper without union...
Thank you. These changes definitely help. I am building a DataJoint-MATLAB system for my lab's workflow that we intent to start using in the new year. So I will likely...
Any more updates on support of Union? This would REALLY be helpful for my application. I don't really know of a workaround without fetching the tables and then concatenting them...
I have a large e-phys dataset in my lab collected over many years. While there are common protocols used in these experiments, there has also been some drift in their...
Any more thoughts on this? We really need this functionality, so our next planned step is to re-implement dj.U and the + operator in MATLAB based on your python code.
Is there a fix coming soon or a workaround for this? How can one make an OR list in MATLAB?
Thanks. That is very helpful. I didn't realize the 'OR' clauses worked like that. That will allow me to build OR queries with operators like '>' that are not supported...