+1 :-) multi wan would be nice
Have had exactly the same problem with mails encoded _**text/plain**; charset=us-ascii_ in mailwatch v1.2.10. Changing the two lines initially explained to: (detail.php) ` ) && preg_match('!message/rfc822|text/plain!', $item['type'])` (function.php) ` if...
Today i've had the same issue with another mail release again. still no fix published ? :-(
> As soon as the shared link is regenerated for the same file, the old link will expire exactly this is the issue: if there is already a shared link,...
+1 :-) i'll check out ubuntu.admx content these days to check what should be possible yet.
I think I have a similar issue in the windows app: Cannot connect to external NextCloud (url and standard port 443) behind a company proxy, unfortunately there is no option...
+1 I think it should report detected infections with --monitor by mail immediately. Only hourly is still not fast enough. :-)
Running AzureAD (EntraID) Enterprise Application > SAML for IPAM with JIT and the logout button works with the logout-URL they provide: it logs me out from phpipam, but not from...
You should be able to achieve this with API 3.10 Prefixes controller. Add the extra field "customer_type" with value "pool30" to your /30 pool subnets (eg to, and,...
> Thansk Schroeffu. That sounds like cool way of solving this. I couldnt wait, though, so i wrote a fix in php to circumvent the problem:) Oh, ok :-) Cool!...