Do you have any news to this problem? I had the same poblem and using this old fork rectified the problem with the offset spring center, i have no idea...
Jonlidgard, thanks, for your input on this, what you wrote is way above my head (the low level usb stuff), but I can recommend you to look into the FINO...
As far as I can tell yes, but I have to take a closer look at the weekend again, if you find issues with this fork just open a issue...
I don't think this pull will be merged because the last activity was in late 2020 and since then nothing happened with this library.
Just wanted to write that, if you have time maybe you could merge this with fino
In a bit (next week if the shipping goods give it their approval) I will have a proper test setup done with encoders and bldc motors to test everything
> I'm using a clone that looks exactly like that. You should be fine. Just check that it's a 5V clone (that link is good) and it should all work...