Kevin Ghadyani
Kevin Ghadyani
I'm having trouble remembering exactly why this was important so my description here may be lacking. I remember needing to control FitText.js on particular items independently so it was able...
Darn, that's a good point. Seems like an awfully strange limitation; then again, ST3 has some other long-standing bugs at this time too :/. Sad.
Is it possible to manually fix this in the modified (Colorcoded).tmTheme files?
@getify Took me a while, but I figured it out. No fix yet. This is adding parens only to sub-expressions in ternaries: ```js "ConditionalExpression": function enter(node) { for (let clause...
Yep, that's the fix; although, my changes add newlines even to single-line statements. That'll also need to be addressed before a merge. Lastly, there's an issue when blocks (array, functions,...
I added the ability to keep it single-line with `addParensOnSameLine` and added another one (`func`) allowing you to disable parens for nested functions. This is ready for merge :); although,...
#11 adds fix support.
@weishijun14 I was unable to fix the issue. There's an underlying bug in connected-react-router as far as I know. I think this is the fix: #140.
@tomtom94 While it's been a long time since I posted this issue, it didn't have to do with SSR. It was client-side only.
I've never had this plugin working before, and I'm getting the same error as you guys too in Windows 8 64-bit.