ros_nodes copied to clipboard
Ros communication interface for dart
Library template made by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.
A simple subscriber example:
import 'package:ros_nodes/messages/std_msgs/String.dart';
import 'package:ros_nodes/ros_nodes.dart';
void main() async {
var config = RosConfig(
var client = RosClient(config);
var msg = StdMsgsString();
var topic = RosTopic('chatter', msg);
await client.unsubscribe(topic);
var subscriber = await client.subscribe(topic);
subscriber.onValueUpdate.listen((type) => print('Listener 1: ${}'));
subscriber.onValueUpdate.listen((_) => print('Listener 2: ${}'));
is broadcast Stream
. This stream emmits suppplied RosMessage
as stream parameter, so we don't need to save it as a variable.
subscriber.onValueUpdate.listen((type) => print('Listener 1: ${}'));
subscriber.onValueUpdate.listen((_) => print('Listener 2: ${}'));
It's important to say, that supplied RosMessage
object, here StdMsgsString
, is used as container for all data changes, both for publishing and getting data from other nodes. That's why both listeners will print the same data, both approaches are consider valid.
A simple publisher example:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:ros_nodes/messages/std_msgs/String.dart';
import 'package:ros_nodes/ros_nodes.dart';
void main() async {
var config = RosConfig(
var client = RosClient(config);
var topic = RosTopic('chatter', StdMsgsString());
await client.unregister(topic);
var publisher = await client.register(topic,
publishInterval: Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
var i = 0;
Duration(milliseconds: 500),
(_) {
i += 1; = i.toString();
By default RosPublisher
will send updates every second.
To change the interval you need to supply publishInterval
var i = 0;
Duration(milliseconds: 500),
(_) {
i += 1; = i.toString();
To change the published data we operate on supplied RosMessage
type, in this case it's StdMsgsString
All currently implemented messages are placed in lib/messages, where direct .dart files are wrappers for base type messages like RosString
in String.dart file, and subfolders are meant for published messages like tf/tfMessage.dart as TfTfMessage
or std_msgs/String.dart for aforementioned StdMsgsString
Features and bugs
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.