Sashen Jayathilaka
Sashen Jayathilaka
Instagram 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, TypeScript, NextAuth.js v4.17.0, Tailwind CSS, Firebase v9, Framer Motion, Image Uploading, Google Authentication,, Instagram Profile)
Deliveroo Clone with REACT NATIVE! (Navigation, Implement Redux, Tailwind CSS &, React Native Heroicons, React Native Navigation to navigate between screens, sleek animated checkout flow)
Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 Tailwind-css, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth, Framer-motionSocial, Login (Google and Facebook), Image upload, Cloudinary CDN, Location selection, Map component, Coun...
Reddit Clone with REACTJS (Next.js, Firebase v9, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Recoil, (Image Uploading, Google Authentication, Create Community, Join Community, Leave Community, Upvote and Downvote Posts),...
Full Stack TikTok Clone with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Video Uploading, Google Authentication, Tik-Tok Profile)
Amazon 2.0 with NEXT.JS! (ReactJS, Webhooks, complete Stripe Payments Checkout, Cloud Firestore database, NextAuth, Redux, Google Authentication, Add to Basket Functionality, Tailwind CSS)
Messenger Clone: Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth, Pusher, (Message notifications and alerts, Tailwind animations and transition effects, File and image upload using Cloudinary C...
Full Stack Movie Application with NEXT.JS 13!(Next.js 13, mongodb, node js, NextAuth.js v4, Tailwind CSS, framer-motion, TMDB Api, Google Authentication, primary information about a movies, Users can...
LinkedIn Clone with React (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase v9, Recoil, Image Uploading, Google Authentication)
Realtime Chat App (iMessage Clone) with NextJS, GraphQL, NodeJS, MongoDB, Prisma, TypeScript, NextAuth.js, Google Authentication, Chakra UI, (1-1 Messaging, Real Time Messaging, Creating chat conversa...