In my application I have Implemented two way authentication(i.e) manager login and employee login, If manager login means I want navigate to Viewcontroller1 else employee login means I want to...
In my application I have Implemented two way authentication(i.e) manager login and employee login, If manager login means I want navigate to Viewcontroller1 else employee login means I want to...
I have 1 total of 4 VC(ViewControllers) in my project, for example VC1(homeViewController), VC2(MenuViewControllers), VC3, VC4. When I click Menu button from VC1 then VC2 shows after I am choose...
When I use Segue for Navigating Menu Button not works, for example In HomeViewController(VC1) at first time I open menu via menu button then choose HomeViewController option from menu so...
Hi, I have face the Issue like, If I navigate from Menu to viewcontroller1 then back to homeviewcontroller then I go to Menu and navigate to viewcontroller2 here I drag...
I have used 4 child view controllers, all the child controllers are contains text fields labels and other controls, I want to get the contents and values from all child...
I have developed the native mobile application in iOS, Here I want to integrate in my application but I don't know how to Integrate and what are the ways...
I want to display showcase for button so I code for that but it shows in misplaced from assigned target view. I have set the target view for **'+'** symbol...
In my application the contents are exceeds more then one page means it overlaps at bottom of the page so I want to add multiple pages dynamically but unable to...
In Pdf I have add lot of images, It displays vertically column vice but I want to add images horizontally row vice. It is possible to add images in single...