ok Thanks..
Hi, How to avoid the swipe to rear view in storyboard using swift language?
Hi, I have face the Issue like, If I navigate from Menu to viewcontroller1 then back to homeviewcontroller then I go to Menu and navigate to viewcontroller2 here I drag...
Where I want to use this delegate function(viewcontroller1 or viewcontroller2 or Menu) and can you give function or If you don't wrong with me give some example please.
I use this function in viewcontroller2 but the delegate function was not called? My code is like this. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() revealviewcontroller.delegate = self } func revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin(_ revealController:...
Can you please explain in detail because I am new for programming, In AppDelegate how to call that protocol and how to use subclass SWRevealViewController, Any Sample or Example please.
@LarsGvB can you give some extra details or sample of code please?
Sorry I don't Understand.. Are you clearly Understand my question..
But I not used the tables only Images and text contents in pdf, please can you give details about this.