Bowen Xu
Bowen Xu
Can you elaborate on your installation process? In our guideline of installation, the afm module is loaded from the .so file after compiling. Just make sure the search path includes...
I am not sure what is "a video memory overflow". We never encounter this error message during all experiments. Please make sure that you can run the demo and get...
Yes, the topk parameter impacts the number of vertex predictions. However, the value of topk is set to make sure that all proper junctions are detected. It barely influences the...
Hi, Thanks for your interest. For the question 1, you can look into the function “save_viz” from utils/ For the question 2, it is sure that the output polygons...
First of all, I am not sure that I fully understand your meaning. A detailed description about the function of your personal developed model would help. Our work of HiSup...
The IMAGE in the configuration file states the input image. The TARGET states the size of feature map. The ORIGIN states the output results. Since your images are 512*512, you...
For the testing, there are a few steps. Firstly, hope you add the name and path of testing file to the hisup/config/ Then you may need to assign the...
I am afraid that I cannot offer help with such information. Maybe you want to give some details such as the results of mask prediction, junction prediction, the training log,...
Please refer to the ''Quickstart with the pretrained model'' in README after a successful installation. One simple command line is needed.
Please follow the exact code to generate visualized polygonal mapping results: `python scripts/ --dataset crowdai --img [YOUR_IMAGE_PATH]`