I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but since the backend is basically comfyui you could probably use that instead. sending it to localhost:8188/prompt as the request
```python ADDRESS = "" PORT = "8188" def queue(prompt_workflow): p = {"prompt": prompt_workflow} data = json.dumps(p).encode("utf-8")"http://{ADDRESS}:{PORT}/prompt", data=data) ``` Here's a snippet from one of my older projects, should probably...
Well its for the comfy ui backend part, so the request would be sending to dont forget the subdomain of "prompt". I'm not sure if fooocus handles backend the...
Okay so it's most likely that you have to structure the file being sent to the back-end in a way that when its being parsed the "detail" parameter is being...
Ah well, that's where documentation comes in. So basically we're at square one again.. Sorry I couldn't be of help