Santiago Trujillo Zuluaga
Santiago Trujillo Zuluaga
Created page in the docs for users to provide feedback, linked it to the [google form]( #6738
The link in the [description]( of the Pull request template is pointing to a 404 page - Must be updated to point to this one: - When submitting your...
Hi guys, given the recent [compatibility update]( of Hardhat plugin [hardhat-web3-v4](, I propose creating a tutorial to guide developers about using web3js through hardhat (since Truffle is deprecated).
We should expand this page of the docs [web3config]( - add code samples and explanation of each parameter that can be changed. - parameter are listed [here]( Example: ### [handleRevert](
Highlight web3.js bundle size by the different packages, in the docs and articles. references: - This can be added in the `Introduction` section of the `Getting started` category - potentially...
Add web3.js general features in the [npm package]( by editing the [README](
2024 H1 Action Items: Expand web3.js documentation with 5 guides explaining common usage and/or best practices References: - Create a guide (it can be under the `advance` category, to add...
Hi guys, this example of [Sending raw tx]( works perfectly for sending value, but not for interacting with smart contracts, since the TX object must have `maxFeePerGas`, `maxPriorityFeePerGas` and `gasLimit`....
Hi team This `eth_getBlockReceipts` method retrieves all transaction receipts for a given block. Transaction receipts contain information about the execution status of a transaction and can be useful for monitoring...
Hi guys, this is a sample of the code editor `Stackblitz` that I added to the `Quickstart` section for you to have an idea of it would look and I...