@zoependlington I've added the definitions for the terms
rs71543110, found in pmid:37500982 (GCST90321118) with status level 2 curation done, was causing issues during DR. For the current ongoing DR, I deleted all associations for this particular GCST. Also...
This PMID containing rs71543110 was published and didn't cause any issues during the DR. It was duplicated in UI.
It is fixed
yes this is done
tested, and it looks all good
The GCSTs have been changed correctly
the following terms added in 2024 are also not in the downloaded file: age of onset of diverticulitis: placenta mass: level of endocrine disruptor in urine:
The paper is published with this EFO (, but in the UI this term is missing. I think the term is still not imported to EFO. This is the EFO...