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An R Framework for Climate Data Access and Post-processing
Hi there, I have downloaded Miniconda and used the code given on Github to create a new environment and to download the climate4r packages. However, I get the error PackagesNotFoundError...
@zequihg50 highlighted the following in issue #60: Note however that downscaleR has several dependencies on python that need to be considered to be included in the package. See the [scripts](
@jbedia, the package metaclipR it's been mentioned in the README, but none of the climate4R releases depends on it.
Hello, I got the below error while trying to access the open data: Error : Service temporarily unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request, please try again...
Added a few sentences about CAVAanalytics in the README file.
After biasCorrection command, I need to save the resulting grid in netCDF format. I use grid2nc command and the file is correctly created. But when I try to reopen ti...
> #******************************************************************************************** > # load observed "tasmax" data > obs.tx > h.tx > BCC.temp.eqm
I am trying to use biascorrection() with isimip3 algorithm. Here the code: pr.proj.BC
Hi, I tried to bias correct CMIP6 data using era5. I tried using eqm, pqm and qdm. They all returned thesame error. Only ISIMIP3 worked. Please see the error below....
I used monthly observation data and model historical output to do bias correction, which had same time length and data structure. But R report an error : _**Error in arr[,...