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Error doing bias correction for CMIP6 tasmax
load observed "tasmax" data
obs.tx <- loadGridData(dataset = "",
var = 'tasmax', lonLim = c(20.25,94.75), latLim = c(10.25,39.75),
season = 1:12, years = 1995:2014)
[2022-07-12 08:28:03] Defining geo-location parameters [2022-07-12 08:28:03] Defining time selection parameters [2022-07-12 08:28:03] Retrieving data subset ... [2022-07-12 08:28:07] Done
h.tx <- loadGridData(dataset = "",
var = 'tasmax', lonLim = c(20.25,94.75), latLim = c(10.25,39.75),
season = 1:12, years = 1995:2014)
[2022-07-12 08:28:07] Defining geo-location parameters [2022-07-12 08:28:07] Defining time selection parameters [2022-07-12 08:28:07] Retrieving data subset ... [2022-07-12 08:28:10] Done
BCC.temp.eqm <- biasCorrection(y = obs.tx, x = h.tx,
newdata = h.tx,
method = "eqm",
extrapolation = "constant",
wet.threshold = 0.1)
[2022-07-12 08:28:10] Trying to determine the time zone... [2022-07-12 08:28:10] Time zone identified and set to GMT See 'setGridDates.asPOSIXlt' to change the time zone [2022-07-12 08:28:13] Already complete date record. Nothing was done [2022-07-12 08:28:14] Trying to determine the time zone... [2022-07-12 08:28:14] Time zone identified and set to GMT See 'setGridDates.asPOSIXlt' to change the time zone [2022-07-12 08:28:16] Already complete date record. Nothing was done [2022-07-12 08:28:17] Trying to determine the time zone... [2022-07-12 08:28:17] Time zone identified and set to GMT See 'setGridDates.asPOSIXlt' to change the time zone [2022-07-12 08:28:19] Already complete date record. Nothing was done [2022-07-12 08:28:27] Argument precipitation is set as FALSE, please ensure that this matches your data. [2022-07-12 08:28:33] Number of windows considered: 1... [2022-07-12 08:28:34] Bias-correcting 1 members separately... Error in if (class(mat) == "numeric") mat <- as.matrix(mat) : the condition has length > 1
How can I solve this problem? the unit for the tasmax datasets is K
a workaround is to reshape the 3-D arrays to 2-D (time,lat*lon) and then perform bias correction.