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- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository]( ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature 项目若不需要国际化时,路由还是必须写成2种语言,现在写的太死了,不灵活。直接写汉字,就会一直报警告。 ##...
插件@aomao/plugin-link-vue 样式引用的ant-design-vue版本和我本地的版本不一致,报错,文档中未发现修改更新样式地址的地方,如何解决
- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository]( ## Basic Info - **Package Name And Version:** @arco-design/[email protected] - **Framework version:** 3.4 -...
### Chat2DB Version 3.2.4 ### Describe the bug 单独启动 chat2db-client yarn run start:web 报错 Unbound variable "npm_config_app_version,