Sanjay Kumar

Results 11 comments of Sanjay Kumar

It is not running on regression problem, how can I run it on regression model?

firstly you read the description. I want to know how to convert these twelve columns (i, ii, iii, avr, avl, avf, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) into features for...

![screenshot from 2018-04-14 18-23-07](

as I have already mentioned you that I am using dataset of PTB ecg dataset, and your library also inculcates it. But ecg_preprocess() also fails on some signals giving error...

If I only process LEAD 1 (i in my data), then would it give features which ('T_Waves', 'Cardiac_Cycles', 'P_Waves', 'Q_Waves', 'HRV', 'R_Peaks') helps me in classification of heart disease class.