
Results 11 issues of SanSan

Hello Everyone, Could anyone share the modified json file to finetune the super resolution for real world images ( for example json : options/swinir/train_swinir_sr_realworld_psnr.json ) It would be also great...

Hello , I would like to train YoloR for custom object detection, with negative samples (Images with no objects and the corresponding text file will be empty). 1. Is this...

Similar to other yolo models, yolov3 and yolov4, what changes should be done to use the yoloR onnx model to inference in ML pipeline. As we know, we need support...

Similar to other yolo models, what changes should be done to use the yoloR onnx model to inference in ML pipeline. As we know, we need support classes such as...

2022-08-06 19:37:37,657 INFO: Loss [PerceptualLoss] is created. 2022-08-06 19:37:37,684 INFO: Loss [GANLoss] is created. 2022-08-06 19:37:37,718 INFO: Model [RealESRGANModel] is created. 2022-08-06 19:37:38,038 INFO: Start training from epoch: 0, iter:...

Hi, I am not sure how the custom object detection training should be done similar to yoloV3 or yolov4 using darknet framework and darknet weights, but with CSP backbones. I...

Hello Everyone, The repo, does not contain or generate a NIQE score or any other value on the resulting output super resolution image , generated from LR image. How to...

We have an EPC QR code and ZXing is not able decode this type of QR code. Does ZXing support or decode EPC QR codes ? If No, what would...

I have an ITF barcode with 10 digits value. When an scanned tiff image with ITF barcode, tried to decode this barcode, NO value is decoded. But the same image,...

#DVK !python -opt options/df2k/test_df2k.yml {'name': 'Track1', 'suffix': None, 'model': 'srgan', 'distortion': 'sr', 'scale': 4, 'crop_border': None, 'gpu_ids': [0], 'datasets': {'test_1': {'name': 'DIV2K', 'mode': 'LR', 'dataroot_LR': '/content/drive/MyDrive/RealSR/Real-SR/codes/testimages/images', 'phase': 'test', 'scale':...