Sometimes the request takes a while and during that time the user might be confused why there is nothing on the calendar. You can do this with usestate where the...
I think the legend should split events by subcategories instead of immediately by hosts. The seminar page needs this especially since there are so many hosts. Each subcategory would have...
Suggested by Elita (humour editor) probably you have an array representing each possible result Each response to a question alters the values in the array by some amount specified in...
Right now you can click on an organizer in the legend at the bottom to hide it but you can't select it to show exclusively. I'm not sure how to...
https://ubyssey.ca/features/campus-changes-2011-2016/ https://ubyssey.ca/admin/pages/5119/edit/
We should give the option for editors to add a list of events from a specific organizer in the sidebar of articles. I think the main use for this would...
Its annoying for the magazine or guide to take the coverstory. I think it would be a lot better to feature them in the new midsection area. I'm thinking the...