This is accomplished in the redesign
You can schedule a cronjob with https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudscheduler/
The best option seems to be specifying cronjobs to google app engine with a `cron.yaml` file https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/legacy/standard/java/config/cron-yaml
I added lazy loading (blurry images show up when the page is first rendered) in this branch thinking that it would improve the lighthouse report. At least from what I...
In this branch I changed the image format to webP which is a much more compressed image format than png. The lighthouse report was improved alot by the change https://github.com/ubyssey/ubyssey.ca/pull/1091
I improved the lighthouse performance for the homepage somewhat through this commit https://github.com/ubyssey/ubyssey.ca/commit/40f99cfcf46f4e928ebf3a0635c70037c6880130 * Separated home styling into its own stylesheet * Reduced image size and made loading lazy for...
Fixing issue in this branch: https://github.com/ubyssey/ubyssey.ca/tree/794-rss-samlow
I accomplish this in the redesign by updating our font-awesome
This is accomplished in the redesign
I fixed it so the 404 page doesn't give a 500 error now (lmao) but it does look very ugly. That still needs to be fixed!