More than 1 year ago News, Culture, Features, Science, Sports
When there are current events like a series of protests or elections, or ongoing ams drama, it would be nice to link to the category or tag page with all...
It would be cool to have a field in the events model for linking an article about the event on the events calendar. This would be specifically useful for sports...
Failed: https://github.com/ubyssey/ubyssey.ca/actions/runs/11957872921
With smaller screen size you benefit less from high resolution. You often also have slower machines (phone instead of laptop). We can improve site performance using css media queries by...
Its really annoying to have to reload the whole page when you hit the next or previous button or changes tabs on the authors page. Client side rendering with react...
This will take some time and we should consult with editors before developing too much. Would love to have it for AMS elections but if not then should be a...
Iman suggested supporting apple news to combat the decline in social sharing of news online https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple_news/apple_news_api I have an ideological issue with apple news because it centralizes and standardizes news...
Pretty much only for me. Or maybe it could send to the ubyssey mastodon account I made last year
For every ubyssey.ca/* page, you can visit www.ubyssey.ca/* as well. We should not stop servering requests to www.ubyssey.ca because linkrot is bad. But this situation is also bad because the...