Adding this link element in the head of base.html might make the page load ever so slightly quicker https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preconnect
The django admin page is located at /djadmin It could be useful to us I'm not really sure
The django admin page might be useful for us. Probably not to editors though
Added alt text to links and images. Fixed header hierarchy. ImageBlock and featured_media now have an alt_text field so there are migrations
When I test the site locally I use a copy of the database I downloaded from the google cloud. This is really nice because I don't have to set up...
Example: https://ubyssey.ca/guide/2020/academics/the-basics/ Its broken, would be nice if it wasn't broken!
Example: [https://ubyssey.ca/culture/category/scary-spooky-stories/](https://ubyssey.ca/culture/category/scary-spooky-stories/) Its not a huge deal because people don't usually directly enter urls but it would be nice to give the correct error message
We should have a page for 500 errors on the site that tells the reader something went wrong, says to contact [email protected], and has a button that links to edit...
Right now all our stylesheets go into the massive file main.css. This means that every page on the site loads every font and style even though the might not be...
I removed our mailchimp popup last year but never replaced it Heres a tutorial. Its pretty easy https://youtu.be/4Wk-lpHYNSo