For queries that could be an ngram of another word "cat" is in **cat**ch and appli**cat**ions, the search feature is pretty much unusable. https://ubyssey.ca/archive/?q=cat To fix this we should stop...
Before we moved to wagtail we had an events feature where we drew calendar items from https://events.ubc.ca/ and also allowed people to submit events to be featured. This is what...
Font awesome emailed me that we exceed their page view maximum for the free tier It doesn't really make sense to pay when there are free open source alternatives so...
This pull request intends to add an autopost to mastodon feature. When articles are first published, a link to the article will be automatically posted by https://mstdn.ca/@ubyssey
These templates are empty - code - interactive_map - podcast - poll - widget I'm guessing they are all old features that broke at some point and were removed instead...
The Gallery block in the article content streamfield has a button to open the gallery. Clicking this button does nothing
`inject_ads` in `ubyssey_ad_filters.py ads` inserts an ad after every 6 p elements and doesn't discriminate between elements with a lot of innerHTML and those that just have a few words....
https://ubyssey.ca/admin/reports/site-history/ I think it started after the upgrade to 5
Create config file for staging environment
* Styling changes for the article page and footer * Adds back functionality to subtitle field * Adds disclaimer field to articlepage