If you try to run this code it won't work because I can't comit the access token to the git repository (if I did then other people could use it...
When you review this tell me and I can send you the access token to put in the .env file
env variable is "MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN"
I think this feature would be much better if we centralized all the events from the various faculty websites. Unfortunately the UBC website does not provide a ics file or...
The REST api for events.ubc might be useful https://events.ubc.ca/wp-json/wp/v2/posts ical is more useful probably [view-source:https://events.ubc.ca/events/?ical=1]( view-source:https://events.ubc.ca/events/?ical=1)
We can get the icalendar for sports from here https://gothunderbirds.ca/calendar.ashx/calendar.ics The rss feed is https://gothunderbirds.ca/calendar.ashx/calendar.rss in case that is needed
The ams website also has an icalendar file http://www.ams.ubc.ca/event/?ical=1
UBC academic calendar (most seems not useful) https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/academic-year/118/rss.xml UBC physics and astronomy has an events page which seemed cool but there is no ical file for all the events, no...
I found the ical for the computer science calendar. Weird they hid it. https://www.cs.ubc.ca/views/ical/related_events/calendar.ics
So far I've done gothunderbirds, events.ubc, cs.ubc, stats.ubc