Turns out you can just decide it client side before the page renders. Our script was just waiting till the whole page rendered before running. Changed that and also made...
Discuss with editors about linking to youtube channel instead
A problem with this is that the default field for the banner is "right image". In default article templates this is ignored. If we add different banner options, then suddenly...
Default to bottom image
I started using it for meta keywords now but I think it could be used for other things such as organizing articles in admin, suggesting related articles to users, allowing...
We solved this by linking to a primary tag and adding a tag page
I tried all the browsers I have on my computer and couldn't see this. Is this error still appearing for you?
I can't reproduce
I concluded that these articles were likely unpublished articles that got set to live after a migrations between CMSs. I asked the editors if I could mass unpublish them by...
[This is a list of all these articles](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1grwCrEgywW4bw0-F3l7HfAnqD_VKtgAwu3CPKfNLmfQ/edit#gid=551205101) (you can only access it with your Ubyssey email)