Honigstein Samuel
Honigstein Samuel
This line caused a lot of trouble. There might be another way than overriding the currenttime prototype func ! https://github.com/spite/ccapture.js/blob/master/src/CCapture.js#L720
App Transport Security Settings Allow Arbitrary Loads : yes in the plist file to load any link / content in http
First, good job that looks very great, nicely done fluid-sim. There's a few open-source sims already, could be nice to re-use this one for the gl developer community. Can this...
With last OF version. Mac OSX 10.10.5
Should be nice to implement the createMediaElementSource for using webaudio context in supported devices. For now it is only using createBufferSource ( that means you cant stream, and needs to...
Is it worth rewriting shaders using tricks to avoid if statement as it is a bottleneck for perfomances when it is possible ? http://theorangeduck.com/page/avoiding-shader-conditionals
Im trying to install that wordpress generator. While im launching ' grunt server ' Im redirected into 'wordpress/node_modules/grunt-contrib-connect/node_modules/connect/lib/public/directory.html' Is there an error there ?
Mac os : FBX2glTF --anim-framerate bake60 destruction_v04.fbx Any option for --anim-framerate just returns the help menu
Linux mint 16 ../../addons/ofxStreetView/src/ofxStreetView.cpp:25:19: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘ofxStreetView’ ofxStreetView(); ^ In file included from ../../addons/ofxStreetView/src/ofxStreetView.cpp:8:0: ../../addons/ofxStreetView/src/ofxStreetView.h:25:7: note: because the following virtual functions are pure within...