Maksim Samoilov
Maksim Samoilov
@domenkozar Yes, I also can provide some other hardware stats if it helps
Here it is: ``` ➜ devenv-test-3 devenv -v shell • Building shell ... • Using Cachix: devenv • Running command: nix --show-trace --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes --option warn-dirty false --option...
@domenkozar I executed the command as-is, and it printed: > path '/Users/maksims/tmp/devenv-test-3' does not contain a 'flake.nix', searching up > error: could not find a flake.nix file
Same with what exactly? I ran the command in the root directory of my project with devenv: > (devenv) prgm-msamoilov2:devenv-test-3 maksims$ pwd > /Users/maksims/tmp/devenv-test-3 > (devenv) prgm-msamoilov2:devenv-test-3 maksims$ ls -la...
I recently switched to M2-based Macbook and updated to latest macos 14.5, the overall shell activation is much faster but I think it's more related to M2 chip performance. By...
Does 'normalize' mean construction of a vector with length equals 1 or something else? I'm not fully understand why do we need `VectorAccumulator` as method argument.
According to #216, new `equals()` methods in `AbstractVector` and `AbstractMatrix` should be tested.
Also, linear spaces can be returned when we solve linear system with infinite solutions (another way to solve #124).
Full information about this feature can be found here.
I think we should implement SVD from scratch. This is a good paper to start with: