Krisztián Szegi

Results 16 comments of Krisztián Szegi

Wow! I was searching for [ldap-ui]( when I stumbled upon this project, which seems pretty awesome. The only thing stopping me from using this form my family mail/matrix/nextcloud/etc self-host is...

> For your usecase, there is a simpler solution: have 2 groups, `mailUsers` and `matrixUsers`, and add your users to each group as needed. Then you can filter on these...

BTW, Nextcloud's Mail app have support for getting aliases from a - arbitrarily named - LDAP attribute, which makes handling multiple mail identities for a single mailbox a breeze. You...

Pardon me the question but: Is there any progress regarding this? Current behaviour (Nextcloud 23.0.0, Mail 1.11.6): - Mail doesn't autocomplete (LDAP) users - Mail **does however** autocomplete (LDAP) groups...

Yes, but to be a bit more direct - and to not make any bloody estimation lies - sometime this year I'll do this. I'll keep you updated, but the...

Although that is a problem, but it can be worked around If you create the run directory with the service file, then don't. Use systemd's tmpfiles daemon instead In `/etc/tmpfiles.d/notify_push.conf`...