Sam Millman
Sam Millman
To reproduce with a AWS account you might possess you can simply make a single route express app and add: ``` const tempParams = { Bucket: 'somenonexistewntbucket', Key: 'gibberish' };...
Well isError should be fine since that is a more complex version of when I check err inastanceof Error for the hack I posted above
In fact using your code on the aws error I get [object Error] So valid
A seemingly quick fix to this would be to change the separator character so something that cannot be confused as a windows path separator or use regex look ahead to...
The issue is the package.json which uses ^14.1.0, it should be something like >=14
I am finding this happen once every so often depending on how fast the app loads, if the app is slow then it never happens but if the app is...