Samuel Leong Chee Weng
Samuel Leong Chee Weng
There are 2 misprints in the 1. Sign Out `googleplaygame.signout();` should be `googleplaygame.signOut();` 2. Show Leaderboards `var data = { leaderboardId: "board1" }; googleplaygame.showLeaderboard(leaderboardId);` should be `var data =...
There are 2 misprints in the **1. Sign Out** `googleplaygame.signout();` should be `googleplaygame.signOut();` **2. Show Leaderboards** `var data = { leaderboardId: "board1" }; googleplaygame.showLeaderboard(leaderboardId);` should be `var data =...
Hi, referencing #75. It seems that because the CMU dataset is looking for a different set of joints, if I would like to train using the CMU dataset, I will...
In your paper under _Experiments > CMU Panoptic Dataset_, you noted that > We also conducted experiments to demonstrate that the learnt model indeed generalizes to new setups. For that...
Following the instructions at issue #24 and #19, I was able to successfully test on the CMU Panoptic Dataset using the provided pretrained Human36M weights (more specifics [here]( on the...
I have tried training the volumetric model on the CMU dataset, but am encountering more problems with training. The model is able to successfully train an epoch from checkpoint of...
This is an expansion of issue #75 where I was able to successfully test on the CMU Panoptic Studio dataset, with pretrained weights from Human3.6M dataset. When I use only...
As per issue #73