When using OSWORD &7F or OSFILE, the last byte of every(+) track written to disk is 00 when using Opus DDOS 3.45, although logging shows the correct values are sent...
Wasn't sure whether to add this as an extra for #301, but here goes. I'm trying to reset the Tube parasite CPU so that my program can read the start-up...
Hiya. Whilst writing some robust Tube ULA tests I noticed a failure in my copy/paste skills here: It _should_ read: this.hostToParasiteData[TUBE_ULA_R3][this.hostToParasiteFifoByteCount3++] = value; There's also a comment here that...
Hello. Sorry. Me again. 1. I can't disable Nula once enabled in v2.2 or 2. If I do something to adjust palettes with Nula and then switch model the...
I'm writing a suite of Tube ULA tests and have noticed, with the Music 5000 (filt) release at least, that 2-byte transfers using R3 is causing all kinds of issues....