Simple yet flexible charting Lightning Web Component using Chart.js for admins & developers
Component that allows you to sort and filter data within the Lightning Experience. Use as a replacement for a Related List, or create a new grid that shows results from a custom query.
Org Check is an easy-to-install and easy-to-use Salesforce application in order to quickly analyze your org and its technical debt.
Master your Salesforce Accounts! A free open-source native iPad app.
A LWC implementation of the Activity Timeline https://lightningdesignsystem.com/components/activity-timeline/#site-main-content
This component helps you, and your users make filling in addresses a breeze! It will find address suggestions as you type and upon selection will fill out all the relevant fields for you to make use o...
This is a LWC solution to have fields specific for an application
Cluster analysis for Salesforce: Group records into clusters and visualize the result using ML algorithms
Community Cookie Consent allows you to display a cookie notice to your customers and gain their consent when they use your community. You can configure the cookies and categories directly in Salesforc...