**+1** for **not** showing files with the attributes H (hidden) or S (system) in TagSpaces. If TagSpaces is designed for normal users, it should be able to hide administrative files...
I solved this myself. Use this code in an Autohotkey script: _ > #IfWinActive TagSpaces Desktop > ~LButton:: > If (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 200) > Send, {CTRL...
Thank you uggrock for the reply. The _global search key combination_ would be ok, if it would work flawless. But you can only use it one time. After a search...
Thank you for sharing that workaround with us. In the past it worked 2 of 10 times, but it worked somehow. But at the moment, all my whatsapp contacts (63)...
To make FreeTube more usable (which in almost all circumstances means: faster), I use a **Autohotkey** script as a workaround to start a search. ``` LALT & y:: Run, FreeTube.exe...
Ehm... _Merging is blocked? No one assigned?_ Sorry, but I am not familar with this development jargon. Is the feature implemented and testable? Can I help in any way?
OK, I found the "handy table" and saw, that the content of the "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Syncthing" folder must be copied to the "data\syncthing" folder. After deleting everything and starting from scratch, it...