Daniel Kowalczyk
Daniel Kowalczyk
Getting string `'Invalid order: minimum size for BTC/USD is 0.005'` is not really helpful -- it's better to raise an exception.
There's no /ticker endpoint in the docs. https://docs.bitfinex.com/v1/reference#rest-public-ticker About floats -- please see the issue here: https://github.com/scottjbarr/bitfinex/issues/18
Hello, Converting to `float` is not good idea, floating point variables are inaccurate and accuracy is very important in financial world. I'd switch to `Decimal` or leave it string (so...
### Subject of the issue We have a middleware that checks if files are still uploading (to a different/separate endpoint than the form is submitted to) and prevent submitting the...
Our test suite that utilizes `override_config` decorator sometimes fails when we execute tests in parallel (value in `config` in the test body is different than the one defined in `override_config`)....
Hi! First of all - thanks for this really nice and helpful library! It's not a bug, rather a feature request. I'm getting tons of warnings like those: ``` WARNING...
Hi guys! First - thanks for your hard work - we're heavily using your package for our health check and it works great! To the point: we recently upgraded Django...